Foundations for Counselling Ministry - YWAM Perth Australia
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Foundations for Counselling Ministry

Starts Every: April

Bringing restoration, hope and freedom to His children is central to God’s purposes. Foundations for Counselling Ministry is an opportunity to be equipped to bring wholeness to individuals and communities in need. You will develop counselling skills, gain Biblical insight into issues and engage communities. During this course, you will explore God’s original design for people, His response to brokenness and a Biblical foundation for counselling. This provides you with vital training to respond to the needs of people in any kind of ministry setting.

g Apply for the Foundations for Counselling Ministry now!

During our lecture phase, classroom learning, workshops, evangelism and projects all serve to prepare you to identify needs and respond to them with practical skills. Our approach to counselling has an intentional focus on addressing community needs. This means we look at issues, not just affecting the individual, but also the communities in which they live. God cares for the whole person and for what this means for those around them as well. Topics include: grief and trauma, cross-cultural counselling, abuse, addiction, children’s counselling, and issues such as mental health challenges.

Every week of lecture phase you will learn new counselling skills and get experience using them. You will discover how to ask the right questions and to provide a safe environment in order to build a deeper counselling relationship. Simulated counselling sessions are one of the methods we use to practice this. During these role plays, we become familiar with using counselling tools and receive supportive feedback as we do so. Our workshops are another way for you to grow in confidence in building relationship with people in the community.

You will implement what you’ve learned during your lecture phase as you and your team head into the nations for outreach. You will put your skills into practice by training others and going to where the need is greatest. Counselling is needed in all kinds of communities, in all kinds of settings – not just in an office or clinic. This could be in a church, a school, an orphanage, or a counselling related ministry. Often it is going onto the streets, meeting people God leads us to and serving them. A community counsellor goes to where the need is, rather than waiting for people with needs to come to them. This is where God will challenge you to step out and seek those who are hurting.

Just as Jesus sought out those who were hurting and marginalised, we meet people where they are at. Outreach will include many ways for you to help people in cross-cultural situations. At times, this will be in an informal setting as you meet people in the community or a more formal counselling setting. Whether it’s in a tent in a refugee camp or on a bench in a city square, we actively seek out and initiate opportunities to counsel, disciple and extend care. True healing and wholeness happen as individuals and communities encounter Jesus! 

Being equipped with skills and experience through the FCM can provide valuable tools and insight for effective future ministry. 


April 6th - September 20th, 2025


Lecture Phase Tuition Fee: AUD $2,620
Lecture Phase Non-Tuition Fee: AUD $1,970
(Non-tuition fee includes registration, accommodation, administration, and resources)
Outreach Fee: AUD $5,000 - 7, 000
(depending on location)

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Completion of a Discipleship Training School

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Please get in touch with us if you have any further questions, or would like to have more information. Our staff will respond to you soon.