Discipleship Training School - YWAM Perth Australia


We find our purpose in His global purposes. Knowing God and making Him known is our pulse as YWAM. We come alive as we connect with the One who gives life.


Encountering Jesus

Discover your next step in Him through six months of focused discipleship and missions experience – a Discipleship Training School. Jesus’ disciples grew and were trained through spending time with Him - observing what He did and following His lead. Their discipleship included intentional community, watching His example closely, discussing questions, extending compassion, taking the gospel public. Our live/learn approach is shaped by this model.

Every DTS at YWAM Perth offers the same core teaching and discipleship experience in our missions community, and each offers a specific focus to address a variety of needs and harness the potential of many approaches. From sport to health care, media and arts to seeking out the hard-to-reach, we aim to equip you to join in God’s global purposes. 


Focused Discipleship

We believe learning and growth happens not only in the classroom, but in the streets, in small group discussions, worship times, community life, serving practically and more. For 12 weeks we’ll look at different topics together related to knowing God and walking in His ways – what it means to follow Him authentically in all aspects of our lives. Topics include: hearing God’s voice, worship and prayer, God’s Fatherheart, missions, evangelism, and more. It’s not just theory, it’s encountering God and allowing our lives to be shaped by Him. As a community, we also put a high value on fun and connection. Our DTSes often include camping, hiking, trips to the beach, games and sport, and exploring Perth. 

DTS Through the Years

Reaching the Nations Together

From there, together we’ll launch out into the nations, putting it all into practice. From large cities to isolated villages, His truth transforms lives and communities. We’ll share the hope of Jesus in word and in action, in compassion and in service. We partner with local churches, ministries, YWAM bases and non-governmental organisations as we reach out. This helps strengthen ongoing work and maximise the impact of our short-term teams. We also blaze new trails where needed, sparking change and opening opportunities for future ministry. 

Unlocking Potential

Our final week will be spent back in Perth, celebrating what God has done and getting ready for all God has next. Once you've finished DTS, you’ve got an open door into further training and ministry within YWAM both in Perth and internationally. The opportunities - in YWAM and beyond - are endless. You’ll be amazed at where God can take you! (And we’d love to help you get there).

"It’s been a foundation for the rest of my life." Read an article with stories of the long-term impact of DTS here

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